In the news: Gov. Walker plans a 'fair number' of line-item vetoes of budget bill
Gov. Scott Walker is promising a “fair number” of line-item vetoes to his controversial two-year budget.
Walker wouldn’t elaborate on what he’ll ax before he signs his budget bill into law by June 30 but said he will spend the next week combing through the $66 billion spending plan passed Thursday by the Legislature.
“We’re … making sure there’s nothing in there that surprises us,” he said. “There’s a lot of things we need to look at the details on.”
Hypothesis: The recalled Senators bullied us with impending cuts to our public programs. Governor Walker will now play "good cop" by removing the ax from a few token projects. See how much we can save when we don't have unions?
Future work: Which line items will Walker & Co. pit against unions?
Fun with resources: Comparative Analysis of 2011-2013 Biennial Budget Bill